So your darling little child is now old enough to not only have an opinion, but to voice it! Now what? How do we get our kids to listen to us, to clean up their toys, to believe in themselves, to feel capable and confident? Simply by learning the skills necessary to help children feel cooperative. When we speak to children a certain way they will be more likely to listen to us! We just need to learn how to change our words (and our attitude) to help encourage the best in our children.
It shouldn’t look like this in your home!
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids Will Talk
In the six-week workshop called How To Talk So Kids Will Listen (And Listen So Kids Will Talk) you will learn how to:
- Hear and understand your child’s concerns
- Help your child develop a realistic and positive self-image
- Engage your child’s willing cooperation
- Set limits while maintaining peace
- Cope with your child’s negative feelings
- Express anger without damaging or hurting
- Resolve conflicts peacefully
- Create a family atmosphere of love and respect.
To register
Call or text 512-720-9688 or
Cost: $195 per person