Breastfeeding Links
Dr. Ghaheri
Dr. Ghaheri is an amazing ENT surgeon who devotes much of his time to educating patients and professionals about tongue tie and it’s implications on breastfeeding. Great blog posts with tons of helpful information on tongue tie release and aftercare.
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La Leche League International
La Leche League International is a non-profit organisation which provides information, support and encouragement to mothers who wish to breastfeed. LLL has been helping mothers breastfeed for over 50 years and is recognized by WHO and UNICEF as the leading authority on breastfeeding.
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Kelly Mom
This website was developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting. Kelly is the mother of three children and also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
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Dr Jack Newman
Dr. Newman is a paediatrician based in Toronto, Canada. He has several publications about breastfeeding, including The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers. His website has many useful video clips.
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Nancy Mohrbacher’s Blog
Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA is author of the new book, Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple: A Guide for Helping Mothers, which is available from LLL-HK. She has a blog which gives many great tips about breastfeeding.
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Low Milk Supply
This website provides information and support to mothers who are experiencing low milk production.
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BFAR – Breastfeeding After Breast and Nipple Surgeries
This website provides information and support to mothers who wish to breastfeed after breast or nipple surgery, and their friends and family.
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Stanford University School of Medicine
This website has wonderful videos showing how to hand express and how to maximise milk production when pumping.
More useful breastfeeding links:
- – Latch On Video
- – Info on Medications and Breastfeeding
Parenting Links
Janet Lansbury
So much wisdom to be found in this site! Janet writes beautifully about both the practical skills that make parenting easier, as well as the emotional growth that both parents and children experience through connecting.
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Positive Parenting Connection
The Positive Parenting Connection provides parents information and support to raise capable, confident and cooperative children
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Michele Borba, Ed.D.
My hero! She is an internationally renowned educator, award-winning author, parenting expert and child and adolescent expert. She is recognized for her practical, solution-based strategies to strengthen children’s behavior, character, and social development, and to build strong families. A sought-after motivational speaker, she has presented workshops and keynote addresses throughout North American, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific and has served as an educational consultant to hundreds of schools. Her proposal: “Ending School Violence and Student Bullying” (SB1667) was signed into California law in 2002. She offers realistic, research-based advice culled from a career of working with over one million parents and educators worldwide.
Find out more at
The Virtues Project
The Virtues Project empowers individuals to live more authentic meaningful lives, families to raise children of compassion and integrity, educators to create safe, caring, and high performing learning communities, and leaders to encourage excellence and ethics in the work place. It has inspired and mobilized people worldwide to commit acts of service and generosity, to heal violence with virtues.
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Elizabeth Pantley
Advice, solutions, links and books about parenting. Raise children with love, compassion, respect and consistency and learn to be a confident and joyful parent.
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One of her particularly amazing articles addressing common parenting myths:
Raising Small Souls
Fantastic touchy-feely video “Animal School”